- Θερμοδιακοπτώμενο σύστημα
- Ποιότητα
- Ποικιλία λύσεων
- Δομική ευστάθεια
- Σύγχρονος σχεδιασμός
Χρώματα RAL, Χρώματα ETEM, Εφέ ξύλου, Ανοδίωση
A heavy duty windows system with a range of energy conservation and performance options. The flat design ensures the system caters to most modern aesthetic concepts. A wide variety of energy conservation typologies allows exact match to project requirements.
Glazing in frame up to 48mm.
Windows and doors for both residential and commercial projects. Compatible with every ETEM curtain wall system.
- Single vent window, double vent window, fixed window, single vent balcony door, double vent balcony door.
- Solutions for both EURO groove and 16mm groove hardware.
- Hidden vent
- Uf STANDARD: 1,9W/m2.K (for combination of sash and frame)
- Uf STANDARD +: 1,8W/m2.K (for combination of sash and frame)
- Uf HIGH: 1,7W/m2.K (for combination of sash and frame)
- Uf HIGH +: 1,6W/m2.K (for combination of sash and frame)
- Air permeability: Class 4
- Water tightness: Class E1500
- Resistance to wind load: Class C5
Air permeability / Water tightness / Resistance to wind load
Thermal transmittance
Sound Insulation